A lot of us are on edge about our online security in the wake of the Optus hack. 3 things you need to know about what gets sold by hackers:
The most valuable personal data that hackers can steal will always be the most recent.
Passports, credit cards and drivers licenses are obviously important but more important is multiple, data about you. Eg When the hackers are selling your credit card details the price goes up if they have your CVV and your pin.
Email addresses are another hot commodity. People often use one email address for everything, cybercriminals can often can get a ton of information about us from that, and then access a range of your accounts.
Hacks have sadly become a regular occurrence so it’s important we are more proactive our data. 3 things you need to do:
Set up two-factor authentication. Two-factor authentication means even if somebody knows your credit card number they will also need an additional code that is sent to your mobile phone.
Change passwords often. There is a list of the most common passwords used in Australia and the most common is 123456. It used in over 300000 accounts and can be hacked in less than in second. Make it difficult for hackers! Instead of using passwords use pass-phrases as these are more difficult to hack. Especially if you put together some less common words.
Check your past cyber breaches. You can find out: HaveIBeenPwned and in your Search Engine Password manager.